Balancing Facial Mist


Why recepie famous for?

Facial mists can nourish your skin and address multiple issues – working double and triple duty most of the time. They should be a part of your twice-daily beauty routine but can be used more often any time of day. Since it can become costly to reach for that retail-sized bottle again and again, we’ve put together a few simple and effective facial mist recipes for different skin needs


2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
2 ounce mist bottle
Distilled water


Often cleansers are alkaline to soften the skin and help dissolve makeup. This can wreak havoc on your skin and damage the precious skin barrier, which usually has a pH of approximately 5.5. When you make your own facial mist, you can help rebalance this problem by introducing slightly acidic properties back into the skin.

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