Pizza Paratha


Why recepie famous for?

Pizza and Paratha put to geather to make Pizza Paratha with this beautiful reciperian


Chicken boneless 1 cup
Yogurt 1 tbs
Tikka masala
Oil 1 tsp
Mozzarella cheese grated 1 ½ cup
Capsicum finely chopped ½ cup
Sweet corn boiled ½ cup
Onion finely chopped ½ cup
Tomatoes ½ cup Pizza sauce 3 tbs


In a bowl add flour, salt and add water gradually, Knead well to form a dough. Rest dough for 10 mins.

In a separate bowl add chicken, yogurt and tikka masala, mix well. Cook chicken in a pan with 1 tsp oil and set aside.

In a bowl add cooked chicken, mozzarella cheese and all chopped vegetables and mix well and set aside.

Take dough, punch and knead it again, make small paratha, spread pizza sauce, spread filling on half side and sprinkle some mozzarella cheese (optional) and seal it.

Grease fry pan and fry paratha and serve with your choice of sauce.

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