Why recepie famous for?
If you haven’t tried making a DIY rubber peel-off mask before, you may be wondering how exactly you can do it at home. The secret ingredient is agar agar powder, an ingredient often used in vegan desserts as an alternative to gelatin; it’s what makes the mask solidify once it’s applied to your face.
Heatproof and leakproof container with a lid
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon rice flour
1/4 teaspoon agar agar powder
1 tablespoon bentonite clay
1 tablespoon colloidal oatmeal finely ground
How to Make:Pour water into a small saucepan. Add agar agar powder and stir.
Bring the mixture to a boil. Keep stirring the mixture and let boil 1 minute.
Take the saucepan off the heat and allow to cool 1 minute. Pour the mixture into the container.
Add bentonite clay, rice flour, and oatmeal to the container.
Secure the lid on the container. This is a hot liquid, so make sure the lid is on tight!
Carefully shake the container to combine ingredients.
Pour the contents into a small dish or mixing bowl.
Let the mixture cool down to room temperature 10 minutes. It will start to thicken.
How to Use:
Make sure the mixture has cooled down to room temperature. Do a patch test on your arm or hand first to check the temperature.
Use a makeup brush or your fingers to apply a thick layer on your skin. Allow the mask to sit 5–10 minutes.
Peel off the mask. Rinse with water.
How to Store:
This face mask is meant for a single, immediate use.
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