Coban Salad


Why recepie famous for?

Salad is really healthy traditional cooking recipe. It is very easy to prepare and gives you unique taste of Salad


1 Cucumber
2-3 Large Beef Tomatoes
1 Bunch Parsley
2 Red Onions
6-8 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3-4 tablespoon Turkish Pomegranate Salad JuIce


1. Wash all the ingredients
2. Finely chop the parsley
3. Peel the onion and chop
4. Chop the cucumber into chucks
5. Chop the tomatoes into chunks
6. Add all the vegetable to a bowl and mix
7. Season with salt and mix
8. Add the oil and toss well
9. Drizzle with pomegranate
10. Add to serving plate

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