Fried Wonton


Why recepie famous for?


500 g Chicken
Salt as needed
1 tsp black pepper powder
2 tbsp soya sauce
2 tbsp BBQ Sauce
50 g Green Capsicum
50 g Red Capsicum
50 g Green Onion
Green chilies
50 g Green Coriander
10 Roll patties
Cooking Oil as needed


Cooking Method:
1. In a bowel, add the boiled chicken, salt, black pepper powder, Soya Sauce, BBQ Sauce, green capsicum, red capsicum, green onion, green chilies, green coriander and mix them.
2. Now take 1 Roll Patti and apply the egg paste at its four sides. Now put the marinated chicken at this roll patti, then apply the egg paste again and close it in wonton shape.
3. Now in a pan, add cooking oil and let it hot, then add wonton in this cooking oil and let it deep fry till it changes into golden brown
4. Your tasty wonton is ready to serve
Cooking time: 30 minutes Serve: 4 people

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