Baked Brie


Why recepie famous for?

Baked Brie is, quite simply, the best melted cheese in the world. When you cut through the rind and the inside comes pouring out like lava, you’ll forget all your troubles. It’s like cheese-aholic heaven! But cheese addiction aside, here’s the practical reason why Baked Brie needs to be on your radar:


250 - 500 g / 8 - 16 oz round brie (good value is fine! Note 1)
1 thyme sprig (optional)
2 tbsp honey or maple syrup (optional)

Crostini or other sturdy crackers
1 bunch purple grapes (or green, optional)


Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F.
Unwrap brie and place in a small, shallow ovenproof dish slightly larger than the brie OR a piece of crumbled baking / parchment paper. (Note 2)
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until melted through. To check, gently touch the centre of the brie - it should feel very soft, like it is about to collapse if you press any harder.
Carefully transfer to serving plate / board - it's delicate (transfer on paper if you used paper).
Drizzle with honey, top with sprig of thyme (if using).
Serve immediately with crostini on the side for scooping. Provide a knife to cut through the rind and a cheese or pate knife (or similar) to scoop cheese up onto crostini.

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