Wok Tossed Veggies in Honey and Black Bean Glaze


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4-5 Sweet gourds
1 Medium Chinese cabbage
1 Bok choy
1 tsp Ginger (minced)
To taste Salt
4-5 Shitake mushrooms
4-5 Water chestnuts (minced)
1 tsp Soya sauce
1 1/2 tsp Black bean and garlic paste
1/2 Lime (juiced)
1 Tbsp Honey
1 tsp Black pepper (cracked)


How to Make Wok Tossed Veggies in Honey and Black Bean Glaze
1.Slice 4 sweet gourd/jungli karela/Kantolla, break one healthy bok choy, broccoli (only the florets) and 1 medium sized chopped Chinese cabbage.
2.In a wok put a tablespoon of oil, add all the chopped veggies to it. Season with salt.
3.Add water chestnuts and shitake mushrooms.
4.Add soya sauce and black bean and garlic paste, juice of ½ lime, add honey and cracked black pepper.
5.Mix well in the wok for about 4-5 minutes. Serve hot.

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