Yummy Capsicum Raita

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Fresh Yogurt - 250 gms. (1 1/4 cup),
Capsicum - 1,
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tea spoon (roasted),
Red chilli powder - 1 pinch (optional),
Salt - 1/2 tea spoon (or according to the taste),
Coriander leaves - 1 table spoon.,


Rosted Capcicum for RaitaRoast the capsicum on a stove and peel off the skin from it. Take out the seeds from the capsicum and cut it into small pieces.

Put chopped capsicum, salt, roasted cumin seeds powder and coriander leaves into the whisked curd. Capsicum Raita is ready.

You can also tamper the cumin seeds into the oil and put it over the curd, instead of using roasted cumin seeds powder.

Alternative way to make Capsicum Raita:

Wash the capsicum, break the stems, take out the seeds and cut it into small pieces. Take a small pan and heat oil into it. Put 1/2 tea spoon cumin seeds into it and roast until they are brown. Put chopped capsicum into the tampering and roast until they become tender.

Mix the roasted capsicum into the whisked curd and add salt and coriander leaves into it. Capsicum Raita is ready.

Serve the chilled Capsicum Raita with hot naan, paranthas and chapati.

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