Why recepie famous for?
While there are foods that help manage hypertension, there are certain drinks that may reduce high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions few important drinks suggested by Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Coach that will help manage your blood pressure well.
Apple cider vinegartablespoon (15 ml) of apple cider vinegar
daily use
The most popular vinegar in the natural health community is the Apple Cider Vinegar. There are a plethora of benefits that this nature's elixir encompasses in it. Loaded with potassium, ACV pushes out excess sodium and toxins from body. The presence of rennin enzyme causes the blood pressure to reduce. You could mix apple cider vinegar with some honey in a glass of water and drink it in the morning.The potential health benefits of honey and apple cider vinegar have mostly been studied separately. Vinegar is believed to aid weight loss, while both are believed to improve heart health and alleviate cold and seasonal allergy symptoms.
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