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If you are looking for vegan ice cream then this recipe is for your. Make very easy Non Dairy Strawberry Ice Cream at home and enjoy spring season
Strawberries 1 cup (chopped)Almonds ¼ cup
Ripe bananas 2
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Soak almonds for about 3-4 hours then peel off the skin.Peel banana, chop and toss them in lemon juice to avoid turns to black.
Freeze banana for 2 hours and strawberries for 1 hour.
Put almonds and strawberries into blander and make a smooth puree.
Add bananas and blend again. After adding banana, do not over blend. Just blend until the mixture looks fluffy and creamy.
Pour it to a container and freeze it for just 2 to 3 hours or until set.
Serve immediately. Do not over freeze it because it may form ice crystals since there are no fats in the recipe.
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