Why recepie famous for?
I love eating at cha chaan tengs, the eclectic tea cafes spread throughout Hong Kong, whenever I am in town. With menus combining Hong Kong and Western cuisines, you’re likely to find dishes as varied as baked mutton chops, instant noodles and curry on the same table. It’s awesome.
8 slices of white bread2 eggs
3 tablespoons milk Fruit jam (or peanut butter) Butter Sweetened condensed milk (or maple syrup) Vegetable oil for deep frying
1. Cut the crusts off the bread slices.
2. Spread the fruit jam on the slices of bread and assemble into sandwiches.
3. Beat the eggs and milk together.
4. Heat 3/4 inch of vegetable oil in a small pan to 300 degrees.
5. Lightly coat a sandwich on all sides in the egg mixture, then fry in the oil until both sides are golden brown, about 3 minutes total.
6. Remove the french toast from the pan and drain on a towel. Repeat the cooking process with the remaining sandwiches.
7. Dress each sandwich with butter and sweetened condensed milk, then serve
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